Q: What type of yoga will I learn in this teacher training program?

A: Power Vinyasa Yoga (Baptiste-Inspired methodology) and Yin Yoga (deep stretching). Once you complete the training program you will be qualified to teach yoga anywhere in the US and internationally. There are many opportunities to self- learn or attend workshops for continuing education on other styles and specialty areas of yoga.

Q: What is the difference in Power Vinyasa and Baptiste-Inspired Power Yoga?

A: Baptiste Power Vinyasa focuses on a vigorous physical yoga practice, with meditation and active self-inquiry as the way to transformation of the Self. In the practice, yogis are encouraged to accept and realize their full potential. The Baptiste Power Vinyasa practice is based around physical practice that is creatively designed so the yogi can bring passion, authenticity and confidence to their life and explore new possibilities. 

Q: What is the difference in being “certified” in yoga versus “registered?

A: Certification is usually a weekend course that provides basic knowledge of yoga and an introduction to the poses. There is no set regulation on certification programs. Registered training programs (recognized by Yoga Alliance) includes a thorough and regulated curriculum. RYT (registered yoga teacher) is a trademark of Yoga Alliance. Please note that since 1999, Yoga Alliance has been the internationally recognized standards-setting organization for yoga. It’s a mission that transcends the boundaries of state and country lines and serves to unite yogi’s all over the world.

Q: What if I do not have a regular practice or are new to yoga?

A: This program will support, guide, and inspire you to develop a consistent personal practice. You will also learn the correct alignment for your body as you learn/deepen your practice. This program accommodates new yogi’s very well!

Q: What if I have never done power yoga?

A: Do not worry, you can do this. We will teach you everything you need to know. You will develop physical and mental strength throughout the program no matter where you start in your practice.

Q: What is the cost of the program? Will I be required to pay it all up front?

A: The total cost of the course is $2800. Once accepted into the school, to officially reserve your spot, you must submit the non-refundable $500 down payment.

Q: Do you offer payment plans?

A: Yes, we are happy to work with you on monthly installments.

Q: How long is the course?

A: The WEEKEND course is generally 7 weekends over 5-6 months, depending on the session. Total in-person training plus homework will equal 200 hours. However, we are currently ( Sept 2024) conducting a unique, condensed program over the course of 14 weeks from September 7th to December 15th!

Q: What times will we meet in person on training weekends?

A: Training hours may vary depending on the agenda for the weekend. Typically, start time will be anywhere from 7:30 – 8:30 AM each day (Saturday and Sunday). We will convene anywhere between 4:30 and 7:00 PM.

Q: Are there breaks during the day?

A: We will have small stretch breaks throughout the day and students will receive 60 minutes for lunch each day.

Q: What happens if I must miss a weekend?

A: If you have something scheduled prior to enrolling in the training program please let us know so we can work out a plan with you. If an emergency arises, please let us know immediately. Emergency’s do not include birthday parties, last minute visits from out of town friends/family, etc.

Q: How much homework will be required?

A: You will attend no less than 3 yoga classes/week (goal is 5). These classes can also be completed during an approved home yoga practice in the event you cannot make it into the studio. You will commit to practice teaching with one or more of your teammates no less than 1 hour/week. This can also be done via Zoom or other video option if you live farther out of town. You will also practice teach as much as possible with friends, family, colleagues, etc. There will be reading and journaling assignments, as well as watching some videos. Homework is easy to complete with time management and eliminating things from your schedule that are not serving your bigger purpose.

Q: What if I want to drop out of the course? Will I receive a full refund?

A: The $500 deposit is non-refundable and is required to reserve your spot. Students have until EOD Monday after the first training week/weekend to cancel their commitment to the program. No refunds shall be given for students who wish to withdraw after the first weekend. Credit will be issued in the form of a re-enrollment + $125 administration fee. Students may finish the course any time. We offer a minimum of two programs/year.

Q: What if I do not know if I want to teach yoga?

A: This program is a perfect opportunity for self-development and personal transformation, as well as learning more about yoga and deepening your own yoga and meditation practice. Many people attend yoga teacher training programs who do not plan on teaching.

YTT Frequently Asked Questions