


We are proud to introduce our team of powerful, dedicated, and compassionate yoga teachers. While all of our classes are designed to bring consistency and integrity, each teacher brings a unique blend of expertise, inspiration, and mindfulness to enhance your yoga journey.

Joanna Goan

  • 500-hour “Baptiste-Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher, YACEP, Co-owner of EVOLVE YOGA.

    “I was led to yoga for personal transformation and to manage stress and anxiety. Yoga has changed the course of my entire life, and my intention is to share the beautiful gift of yoga and meditation with the Knoxville and surrounding communities. My personal mantra is “there is nothing to be done, yet nothing is left undone”. I am working on moving at the pace of nature with grace, power, and confidence.

    My yoga classes will vary from the most challenging class you have ever experienced to a gentle, calming experience that will settle your mind and nervous system. I am here to help you create the change in your mind, body, and life that you are seeking!”

  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Professional Trainer and Speaker. Grateful mother, food lover, and dog mom!

CJ Popp

  • 200-hour Dharma Mitra Yoga Teacher; Power Sculpt, Hot Pilates, & HIIT Certified, Co-owner of EVOLVE YOGA.

    “As a lifelong athlete who found individual sports more appealing than team dynamics, I discovered the transformative power of yoga. Drawn initially to the physical benefits, euphoric effect, and the strong sense of community, I quickly realized this practice aligned perfectly with my personal philosophy and fitness goals. Yoga soon became a passion that I knew I had to share with others.

    I strive to create a class environment that is both challenging and accessible to all levels. My approach is to push students to their personal edge, ensuring they experience the profound sense of achievement and euphoria that comes from a powerful, sweat-inducing workout, without the risk of injury. My goal is for every student to leave class feeling invigorated, empowered, and connected to a like-minded community.”

  • Executive IT Leader and entrepreneur, CEO of CJP Advisory. Nature adventurer and enthusiastic lover of all things furry!

Barb Steppe

  • 200-hour “Baptiste-Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher, EVOLVE Studio Manager.

    “I was led to yoga to prepare myself for inevitable change in my future, personal growth, and to nurture my body back to its usual strong and flexible nature.

    My yoga forte’ is alignment and breath. My classes bring presence, awareness, safety, and support a quiet mind. I teach my students to understand why yoga is for everyone, not just the flexible!”

  • Master Holistic Doula and Childbirth Mentor

  • Passionate entrepreneur, owner of Well Rooted plant concierge. Urban gardener, mother, grandmother, and dog mom of Zip and Pep!

Faaron Stultz

  • 200-hour “Baptiste-Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher, YACEP.

    “I was brought to yoga by our fearless leader, and my mom, Joanna Goan. My practice and my teaching have been pivotal in healing all areas of my life. Yoga has given me the space to understand myself and others- to know when something is about me and when it isn’t. To let go of control and allow a little more space and grace.

    My classes focus on engagement, alignment, and breath. My primary goal is to keep students completely present in each moment.”

  • Incredible daughter, wife, leader, with a hardworking spirit and can-do attitude who embraces the essence of perseverance, creativity, beauty, love, and holistic well-being. (p.s. my mom wrote this part!).

Abbi Bentley

  • 200-hour “Baptiste-Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher.

    “I practiced yoga for the first time at the age of 6. Since then, yoga has supported me when I have needed it the most. My regular personal practice began at the age of 33. Within two years, and a ton of self-compassion/discovery, I completed my RYT 200 certification. 

    I say all the time that I’m not just here to call poses. I’m here to change lives. I encourage my students to view their yoga practice and their lives through the lens of what is positive and possible rather than the negative and impossible. I provide opportunities to explore challenge and surrender within the self, with the intention of increasing motivation and creating a practice space accessible to all levels. “

    My current personal mantra is: “I am a lot because I’m gonna be a lot.”

  • Family, faith, friends, music, trivia, and UT Sports enthusiast.  

Emily Elliot

  • 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher.

    “My yoga journey has been humbling, empowering and transformative. Yoga has helped me to create balance and empowerment in each of my life roles (mother, daughter, partner, coach). I have a deep love for life and a relentless pursuit of truth. I bring compassion, wisdom, and balance to my classes, with a strong focus on alignment and anatomy. I feel it is important to be honest and kind to yourself, whether in yoga practice or in life, and I will always encourage my students to do so. We are all magicians of our own lives!”

  • Human healer, amazing daughter and mother, beautiful friend, kind soul, consistent, patient, and open-hearted (p.s. Joanna wrote this part too!)

Tessa Mitchell

  • 200-hour “Baptiste-Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher.

    “I began practicing yoga in 2017, solely for the physical practice and exercise (Joanna was my very first yoga instructor). However, yoga quickly became so much more to me. It touched me mentally and emotionally. Yoga brought me peace. Something I had been seeking for so long.

    Now that I teach yoga, I want to share that peace with my students. I want my students to know they are enough. Their best is perfectly enough. I want to help them realize they can do hard things and be uncomfortable; they just have to breathe. The physical practice is just a small piece of the puzzle. My mantra is “I have peace”.

  • Proud owner of Tate Mitchell Staging and design, mother of two amazing daughters, beach lover, avid Tennessee fan!

Jennifer Aparicio

  • 400 hour Hatha Yoga teacher from Mexico.

  • Sound Healing Certified Therapist by Institute of Sound Therapy.

  • Kundalini Kriya Yoga practitioner since 2020.

    “I began my journey with yoga seeking answers to life’s challenges, only to discover that this practice profoundly transformed and saved my life. In every class and healing session I lead, my aim is to share, from the depths of my heart, the tools that have guided my personal growth and my quest for Divine consciousness. I hope to plant seeds of inspiration in the hearts of those I encounter”.

  • Passionate for travel, salsa dancing, walking her dog, and the flavors of authentic Mexican cuisine!

Carla Walker

  • 200-hour “Baptiste-Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher.

    “My journey into yoga began with a desire to find balance in nutrition, healthy movement, and overall quality of life. With a background in healthcare and leadership, becoming an RYT instructor has allowed me to share my knowledge and mentor others. I aim to inspire my students to learn new things, push beyond their limits, and prioritize self-care. I love teaching beginners, but also enjoy challenging experienced yogis to discover their inner strength.

    My favorite poses are restorative ones like half pigeon and frog, and especially savasana- the precious time that I allow myself to completely shut down and dedicate stillness to my mind and body”.

  • PhD in Leadership, college professor, lifelong learner, dedicated teacher, lover of music, hiking, and camping.

Autumn Brooks

  • 200-hour “Baptiste-Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher.

    “I was led to yoga for growth and to improve my overall health mentally, physically, and spiritually. I bring my students into the present moment by connecting them to their breath, which enhances concentration, mental clarity, and reduces stress.

    My mantra is “Embrace the Gift of NOW”.

  • Enthusiastic cook, hiker, crafter, and devoted dog mom!

Etrulia Byrd

  • 200 hour “Baptist Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher with specialty certifications in Yin and Yoga Nidra.

    “I was drawn to yoga and massage by a love of the human body as both an anatomical structure and a vessel for the spirit. My passion is working with the nervous and digestive systems; both having vital roles in our health and wellness and how we are able to experience and show up in our lives. In my practice I create and hold space for the nervous system to ease out of our fight or flight stress response and into the rest and digest mode. I believe this is where we find our peace and where we find our power. I focus on the breath. I blend movement with stillness, strength with flexibility, awareness with detachment. I hold space for the student/client to play with their edge, to go deeper, to stay longer, to be present; on and off the mat.”

  • Licensed massage therapist and herbalist -student of Ayurveda

Christine Malone

  • 200-hour Baptiste-Inspired Registered Yoga Teacher.

    “I was led to yoga at a time when I was trying to heal my body and build back my strength. I fell in love with yoga-sculpt and power classes. My classes blend strength, cardio, and stretch, and I encourage people to be grateful for what their bodies can do.

    I aim to empower those who take my class because I believe exercise is a powerful tool that can heal both the body and the mind. I want people to see fitness as fun and feel stronger and more confident after every class!”

  • Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, dog mom, mother, traveler!

Gabrielle Stephens

  • 200-hour “Baptiste-Inspired” Registered Yoga Teacher.

    “I found yoga during college after researching the benefits of how it mitigates stress. After college, I really began to integrate the practice into my life. I eventually took the leap and did yoga teacher training with Joanna. It changed my life in a dramatic way! Yoga added space to my life, my mind, and allowed me to create space in my body. It brought “play” back into my fitness routine, and most importantly, taught me to “breathe”.

    I am so excited to teach and I want my students to feel energized to play and explore in their practice, but ultimately, to breathe and show up exactly they are that day; no pretending. Yoga asks us to show up authentically and it is something I hope to teach my students!”

    My mantra is “I am transforming”.

  • Lover of working out, hiking, cooking new recipes, laughing at stand up comedy, finding new artists to listen to!